Selecting the right materials is a crucial element of any self-build or renovation project according to David Prout, Marketing Manager with dry lining board manufacturer Fermacell.In this article he highlights the benefits of Fermacell over plasterboard and provides simples guidelines on how to install their boards
Fermacell is the multi-purpose dry lining board for walls, ceilings and floors; offering speed and flexibility with high spec impact, acoustic, fire, moisture and strength properties.
Made from 99%
recycled products, it helps you achieve your environmental aspirations for your home. Fermacell gypsum board offers installers speed and flexibility, combined with high spec impact, acoustic, fire, moisture and racking strength properties.
We are finding that increasing numbers of couples are rolling up their sleeves and tackling self build and refurbishment projects in order to take charge of the specification and performance of their home.
Fermacell board provides a number of major benefits over plasterboard, whilst being inherently stronger. It is simple to install – although the technique is slightly different to
plasterboard – and does not need a wet plaster skim to produce a smooth skim type finish suitable surface for painting.
Clearly, the reduction in the need for wet trades – not having to skim and wait a couple of days for the plaster to dry out – can reduce the overall project cost as less skilled labour will be required on site, or at least for as much time.
A major benefit of Fermacell boards is that they are strong enough to support radiators, cupboards and shelves without ply re-enforcement. This enables up to 30kg to be hung from a single screw, or up to 50kg through a toggle type fixing.
With any development acoustics plays an important role in keeping sound down to acceptable levels and preventing too much noise impacting on adjoining rooms.
Good acoustics is typically down to the mass of the wall and good detailing. On a typical new house construction, internal walls will need to adhere to building regs and achieve 40dB. With standard board materials, insulation would be required in the partition, but with Fermacell boards this would not be necessary, 43 dB can be achieved without insulation, or 48 dB with insulation, for an even greater level of comfort.
Fermacell is particularly suitable for acoustic solutions as it’s a ‘one-board type’ solution for partitions, wall linings, ceilings and even as an acoustic dried screed system for party floors between properties.
The greater density and homogenous composition means that Fermacell systems provide enhanced impact resistance reducing the damage caused by everyday traffic and knocks that are common in the modern family home.
Listed below is a quick guide to install Fermacell.
CuttingEither score using a Fermacell board knife (Fig 1), then snap off (Fig 2) - scored and snapped or cut using a hand or electric circular saw.

FixingFix boards to timber or DIN standard metal studs at 600mm centres. The Fermacell are screw fixed with Fermacell screws that are placed 250mm apart. They may also be fixed to timber studs using Fermacell screws, pneumatically fired staples.
JointingSquare edge boards can be jointed in two ways:
i) Joint Filler. If you score and snap the boards leave a 5-7mm gap between them. Fill the gap with Fermacell joint filler (Fig 3).
ii) Jointstik. If you cut the boards with an electric saw the edges can be bonded with Fermacell Jointstik. Position the next board into place leaving a gap of no less than 1mm – allow the Jointstik to squeeze out and leave it to cure, then remove the excess.
Tapered edged boards are dry butt-jointed and filled using Fermacell Joint Filler and Joint Tape.
Surfaces should be dry and free of stains and dirt. Fill any damage with Fermacell Joint Filler or Fine Surface Treatment (FST) and allow to dry. Fill the screw heads with Fermacell Joint Filler.
Apply Fermacell FST to the board surface direct from the tub using a trowel or a 250mm FST spatula (Fig 4).
Work on an area approximately 1-1.5 m2 at a time. Apply FST liberally then remove excess and return to the bucket. The finished thickness should be between 0.5 and 1mm thick.
FST will dry within 45 minutes and will then be ready for painting. After filling the screwheads wallpaper can be applied without the need for FST.
Corners: Fermacell does not require corner beads. Simply align the board flush with the factory machined edges together, bond with Joinstik and finish with FST.
For further information please go to: or email – marking your e mail with “Your Build” to request further information
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For further media information please contact David Prout at Fermacell on 0870 609 0306 or 07875 243440 ; or Paul Shrimpton at PSPR Limited on 0121 354 7311 or 07979 505322.